Polaroid wall - Em processo

This Polaroid project consists of taking portraits of various people and has been ongoing since the end of 2015. I chose this because of its instantaneous and unique character. The size of each picture is also a very important as it goes hand in hand, almost like a collectors card which becomes appropriate to the concept of the project. This project started to be developed as part of my Master’s thesis which was named “The Body as an Object”. The people in the pictures have their eyes closed only exposing their skin, they are all perceived identically in the bigger picture but as individuals when you take a closer look.
Eixos - Em processo
During the process of exploring the deconstruction of the human body through photography and looking for other forms I started to manipulate these photographs. I became very interested in the composition, rhythm and oddness within these experiences and the fact that aside from the manipulation they still keep some of the “human body” characte and in some cases a sense of landscape even.